Dr. Tara Overzat and her husband, Sean McNealy, have a passion for helping others. Dr. Overzat is a long-time mental health counselor, teacher, and former student affairs professional. Mr. McNealy has long been involved with Scouts BSA focusing on their National Youth Leadership Training. Dr. Valerie Robin sits on the Board of Directors and has a strong history teaching and student advocacy.

OMSE Fund’s mission is to help with unexpected and time-sensitive funding situations giving serious students an advantage toward completing their degree. Students can find themselves in situations owing for car repairs, utility bills, or unable to afford meals. Student loans can help in these situations, but must be applied for long in advance of when these payments are due. These additional financial stressors can effect students’ academic performance, ability to continue with classes, and even influence a decision to drop out of school. Our small one-time grants can help with these situations and, importantly, do not have to be paid back.

Many colleges are beginning to run a student emergency fund. Georgia State began Panther Retention Grants in 2011 when they saw the percentage of federal loan and grant recipients rising in their student population. Their results show an 85% graduation rate among those receiving grants. [1][2]

While some colleges have a student emergency fund program, there are many schools that do not. In addition, those that do may go through the financial aid office, which could mean an emergency grant takes more time than is available in a fast-changing situation. Being independent, we are able to reach a wider range of students and more efficiently.

  1. https://success.gsu.edu/initiatives/panther-retention-grants/
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/opinion/when-a-few-bucks-can-get-students-to-the-finish-line.html


Tara Overzat, PhD, LPC, NCC, ACS – CEO

Sean McNealy, PE, MS – Treasurer

Valerie Robin, PhD – Secretary